Keep on reading for Maddy's note to Nate... or scroll to the bottom for details on the look. ~Jackie

Sometimes there’s lighting minutes when I don’t recognize you. You become a stranger and it terrifies me to think I’m incapable of loving every man in you. It terrifies me even more that you grabbed me by the neck, left ghosts of your hands in me, and you were so familiar. A reflection. I think that no matter what you do, I’ll stay. There have been so many times that I have decided to end this, you and I, but I know I can’t. I know I’ll always come back. I feel like you’re that fucking fish that lives in the deep sea, and I follow the only light there is, waiting to be devoured. Except, I’m not. We just bleed in an endless loop in time.

I ask myself if we love each other, but it feels so deeply wrong to say that. Dirt under my tongue. I wish I loved you, I told my mom I did, maybe I do, but somehow I’m just stuck in the unbearable feeling of lightness without you. I’m scared that I would slowly disappear into nothingness if I left. There’s no memory of Maddy without Nate.
I’ll see you tonight at the motel…

P.S. Let's pretend.
I love you,

Jackie again! During Euphoria, Maddy has a very toxic relationship with her boyfriend, Nate; in which, Nate does something that separates them for a while. I imagine that Maddy would have written something similar to the note above to come in contact with him, once again. (The pictures are not related to the note, they're just pictures of the outfit inspired by the character; which, I'll be discussing down below.)

Maddy, with her full lips, tan skin, curvy body and mesmerizing gaze is the most confident girl in East Highland. As a young winner of many beauty pageants, she is very aware of her beauty and the possibilities of it.
Since she was a young girl, she obsessed over the rich women whom her mother worked for, as an esthetician, and understood how to act to be admired by men. That's how she met Nate and became everything he needed, in exchange for expensive gifts.
Her style is very sexy and alluring, anything that screams confidence. Her staple outfit is a skin-tight two-piece with very colorful and defined makeup. I used the picture above as reference for my look.
My Look Diary
1) SOMETHING TIGHT - Mine is a two-piece from LOB but here are two alternatives: Louis Vuitton Short Bustier Top Dress and the Blossom Dress from La'mour Boutique
2) CUTE SNEAKERS - Nike MX-720-818
And most importantly, MAKEUP...

I used this gorgeous tutorial by Lisa Eldridge for my look, shes's the absolute best!
I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you would like to see more makeup content!
Stay Curious.
Jackie ;)