I guess it starts with me suspecting I have Asperger’s Syndrome… but, “What’s Asperger’s Syndrome?” you may ask.
Asperger’s is a neurodevelopmental disorder, generally considered high functioning on the Autism spectrum. Since it is relatively new (1925, Grunya Sukhareva) and most of its studies were taken based on the male brain, it is more difficult to detect it on a girl; detection at 15 is considered early, in comparison with 2 for a boy.

Here’s 10 Characteristics of Asperger’s
1) Intellectual or artistic interest
2) Speech differences
3) Delayed motor development
4) Poor social skills
5) Development of harmful psychological problems
6) Detail-oriented
7) Persistence
8) Not socially-driven
9) High integrity
10) Masters of routine (repetitive behaviors)
(All of these taken to extremes
I could check off 9 of these 10 characteristics but what really got me thinking is the fact that most people with Asperger’s are very sensitive to very specific sensory perceptions; for example: sounds, fabrics, tastes, patterns, rearrangements, etc. I can feel a certain fabric or not put on lotion, or hear the slightest flick of fingernails, taste or feel certain textures of foods, and something inside of me triggers, making me extremely uncomfortable and anxious. But it’s not all bad, I can detect the slightest movement of anything. If I left something somewhere, in a certain way, and I can tell if it has been moved by cm. Also, I’m extremely organized (even when I’m not). I know where I have everything I own.

Now, what I was saying earlier. It’s harder to detect Asperger’s on girls because of this thing called masking. Masking or camouflaging is to artificially ‘perform’ or ‘hide’ certain social behaviours in order to be viewed as socially acceptable. Girls are really good at this, myself included. During social interactions I’m always asking myself “what am I supposed to be doing?” It’s kind of like a charade. I observe others and copy or refrain from doing behaviours in order to not be different. It’s exhausting trying to figure out the “rules” that everyone seems to have gotten innately. That’s why I avoid any social situations that I know will cause me anxiety.

Anyway… so because of this very crazy suspicion, I looked up people with possible Asperger’s and I got inspired to create this new series where I create outfits based off of them and their work.
This particular outfit is on Tim Burton and his very creative and individual mind, more specifically his signature black and white obscurity, the structure of Edwards Scissorhands’ clothes mixed with Alexander McQueen’s Autumn/Winter 2020 Pre Collection and this incredibly cool photo of Tim:

Look Diary
1) B&W THIN STRIPPED BODY - Alexander McQueen’s Autumn/Winter 2020 Pre Collection Art Nouveau Mini Dress layered under
2) B&W THICK STRIPPED SKIRT - Alexander McQueen’s Autumn/Winter 2020 Pre Collection Lace Hem Mini Skirt
3) BLACK BELT FOR COLOR BLOCKING EFFECT - Alexander McQueen’s Autumn/Winter 2020 Pre Collection Molten Belt
4) LONG STRUCTURED COAT - Alexander McQueen’s Autumn/Winter 2020 Pre Collection Stapled Leather Coat
5) FUNKY SHOES (PREFERABLY KNEE HIGH BOOTS) - Alexander McQueen’s Autumn/Winter 2020 Pre Collection Peak Knee-High Boot
6) OBSCURE ACCESSORIES - Alexander McQueen’s Autumn/Winter 2020 Pre Collection Biker Skull Scarf, Skull and Charm Seal Double Ring, Bi-Colour Skull Hoop Earrings, Small Skull Bag

Whatever it is, if I do have Asperger’s or I’m just a weirdo, I feel like I live in a Forest Green Fire. Burning with a smile.
Hope you liked it and maybe found some of this information useful. I am in no way an expert but I did do an extensive amount of research on the topic. Here’s a link to some more accurate look on the disorder.
Stay Curious.